Student Survival Blog

Simple & healthy grocery list for student budget

Cereal, pasta, pizza: they are quick and easy, but seriously lack nutrition and do not give you the brain power you need to get through exam season.  While we could never completely cut out Domino’s Pizza from our lives, we are here to tell you there is an alternative. With this grocery list, you will satisfy your taste buds and your bank account. Oh, and spend minimal time in the kitchen.

Breakfast: Banana pancakes

Cinnamon (if desired)
Coconut oil
Low-fat yogurt

In a small bowl, mash a ripe banana. Add 2 eggs and whisk together. Add a dash of cinnamon if desired. Warm a nonstick pan and add ½ tbsp of coconut oil. Pour about ¼ cup of the pancake mixture onto the pan. Cook the pancakes for 1 minute on each side. Serve the pancakes with a dollop of yogurt or any of your other favourite toppings. Serve.

Lunch: Garlic & lemon chickpea mix


Olive oil
Garlic powder

Drain 1 can of chickpeas and rinse. In a medium skillet, heat 1 tbsp of olive oil. Add chickpeas. Grate 2-3 large carrots and add to the skillet. Wash 1 large lemon and grind zest into the skillet. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze all of the juice into the chickpea mixture. Season with desired amount of garlic powder. Cook until chickpeas have soaked up the contents. Serve.

Dinner: Salmon with sweet potato and strawberry pecan salad


Balsamic vinaigrette
Sweet potato
Coconut oil
Olive oil


Wash 2 large handfuls of spinach. Wash 5 strawberries, hull them and slice to put on the spinach. Add a handful of pecans and drizzle with balsamic vinaigrette. Serve.

Sweet potato

Cube sweet potato. Steam sweet potato in the microwave until cooked. Place cooked sweet potato in a small bowl and add 1 tbsp of coconut oil and season with salt and pepper. Serve.


Preheat oven to 425 degrees. On a baking sheet, place salmon on a layer of tin foil. Drizzle olive oil and add sliced lemon. Cook for 20-25 minutes. Serve.


We hope you enjoy this week’s supply of tasty meal ideas fit for the student life. Tune in next week for another grocery list.

We’d love to hear what your go-to recipes are. Share your ideas in the comments below!